Top Commitment
Message from the Group CEO

Through our logistics business, we will realize
a sustainable society and
encourage progress.

For more than a century since its foundation, the MITSUI-SOKO Group has been expanding
its scope of
business in response to the needs of the times based on logistics, and has encouraged
progress of the
company and society by solving social issues in logistics. Even in times of rapid
change, the role of
our Group remains the same. To realize our Purpose—Empower society, encourage
progress—even more
vigorously, we will continue to connect the evolutions of customers and society as a
logistics solution partner by earnestly addressing the sustainability issues surrounding
us and the
entire logistics industry.
The Medium-Term Management Plan 2022, which began in April 2022, sets forth measures to
enhance the
Group's corporate value and to realize a sustainable society.
One of the Group's growth strategies is to promote ESG initiatives, such as
strengthening our efforts to
realize a decarbonized society, expanding investment in human capital, and enhancing
governance. By
working on them, we will build a sound, reliable, and solid management foundation.
In addition to these, we will support our customers in achieving their sustainability
through our
business activities. Specifically, we will contribute to the development of our
customers and society by
providing SustainaLink, a service that helps resolve environmental, labor force,
disaster, and other
risks that threaten the sustainability of logistics.
Logistics is a fundamental element that supports people's daily lives, enriches
industries, and achieves
sustainable social growth while stimulating the economy. Under our philosophy of
"Empower society,
encourage progress," we will continue to place sustainability at the heart of our
management and to
support social activities from the bottom while promoting self-evolution in step with
the times, moving
the world in a better direction, and striving to realize a spiritually affluent and
sustainable society.
We appreciate your continued understanding and support of the MITSUI-SOKO Group.
President and Group CEO
Hirobumi Koga
Hirobumi Koga
- Sustainability
- Message from the Group CEO