
Basic Approach, Policy, Goals, and Framework

Basic Approach

The MITSUI-SOKO Group believes that sustainable growth of the Group cannot be achieved without the sustainability of society, and considers the preservation of the global environment to be an important management issue. In accordance with the Group's Environmental Policy, we are committed to contributing to reducing the environmental impact of the value chain not only of the Group, but also of our client companies and society as a whole, through our efforts to address climate change and reduce waste emissions.


MITSUI-SOKO Group Environmental Policy

The MITSUI-SOKO Group aims to contribute to creating a decarbonized society and circular economy by proactively reducing environmental impact through logistics.
  • 1.We comply with laws and social standards on environmental conservation.
  • 2.In consideration of the impact our business activities have on the environment, we will implement the following initiatives to prevent environmental pollution and reduce our environmental impact.
    • Improve our energy efficiency to mitigate and adapt to climate change by performing inspections and maintenance on facilities and equipment, and by shifting to renewable energy and energy-saving equipment and vehicles
    • Promote reuse and recycling, and enforce waste reduction and appropriate disposal
    • Engage in procurement and product and service development that considers factors such as biodiversity, climate change and environmental pollution
    • Promote partnership with regional communities and reduce environmental impact throughout the value chain as an environmentally responsible companys
  • 3.We promote continuous improvement by assessing the status of our environmental initiatives and formulating action plans with targets, implementing and reviewing the initiatives.
  • 4.To support our initiatives, we will use environmental education programs and public relations to promote understanding and awareness among Mitsui-Soko Group employees about reducing environmental impact in society and our business partners’ value chain.
June 27, 2022


Medium- and long-term targets for CO2 emissions reduction (Scope 1 and 2, Scope 3) have been established as follows.
  • 29% reduction of CO2 by FY2026 (compared to FY2014)
  • 50% reduction of CO2 by FY2031 (compared to FY2014)
  • Net-zero by FY2051
  • We work to reduce CO2 emissions throughout our own and our customers' supply chains.
※Reduction of CO2 emissions in customers' supply chains through the Group's supply chain sustainability support service SustainaLink contributes to the reduction of our Scope 3 emissions at the same time. We will also promote efforts to realize a decarbonized society through our own services.
  • The scope of CO2 emissions (Scopes 1 and 2) is based on the figures in the Periodic Reports published by MITSUI-SOKO HOLDINGS, MITSUI-SOKO, MITSUI-SOKO LOGISTICS, Marukyo Logistics (Osaka), and Marukyo Logistics (Ehime) under the Energy Conservation Law.
  • CO2 emissions (Scope 3) cover MITSUI-SOKO HOLDINGS, MITSUI-SOKO, MITSUI-SOKO EXPRESS, MITSUI-SOKO LOGISTICS, MITSUI-SOKO Supply Chain Solutions, MITSUI-SOKO TRANSPORT, Marukyo Logistics (Osaka), and Marukyo Logistics (Ehime).


We have an organization where we can promote our environmental efforts as a whole group: the Environmental Subcommittee has been established under the Sustainability Committee to promote measures related to the environment. The Environmental Subcommittee is led by the Risk Management Division of MITSUI-SOKO HOLDINGS, and consists of the Group's related departments and those in charge of the environment at related logistics operators.