OUR PURPOSE Empower society, encourage progress

MITSUI-SOKO Group's Business Model for Value Creation

Providing integrated solution services that realize optimal logistics across the entire supply chains of our customers
by leveraging the collective strength of the Group

Growth Strategy of the MITSUI-SOKO Group

Top-line Growth by Mobilizing the Group’s Collective Strength
Reinforcement of Operational Competitiveness
Building Management Foundation to Support the Deepening

Financial and Non-financial Summaries

Financial Indicators

Operating Revenue¥260.5billion(¥350.0billion)
Operating Profit¥20.7billion(¥23.0billion)
Operating Cash Flow¥23.1billion(¥30.0billion)
Figures in parentheses are numerical targets to be achieved by the end of the fiscal year ending March 2027.

Non-financial Indicators

Total CO2 Emissions (Scope 1 + 2)59,220t-CO2(2051/03 Net-zero)
Volume of Waste Generated8,519t(Reduced from the previous fiscal year’s level)
Occupational Accidents3(0)
Absentee Rate0.17%(Reduced from the previous fiscal year’s level)
Male Childcare Leave Acquisition Rate93.33%(2026/03 30%)
Ratio of Female Managers9.26%(2026/03 15%)
Figures in parentheses are individual numerical targets.
Financial indicator values are as of the end of FY2024 (April 2023- March 2024).
Non-financial indicator values are as of the end of FY2023 (April 2022- March 2023).

Please feel free to contact us if you are interested in using our services.