Manufacturer Distribution
Procurement distribution, which deals with procurement of materials and manufacturing parts; factory cargo handling, inter-stage transport, and other factory distribution; sales distribution between the product center and sales locations; and even product repair distribution of repair parts, are all distribution services for which we provide optimal proposals for our customers based on our many years of experience in the electronics sector.
List of Services
Procurement, Manufacturing, and Distribution Solutions
We look at the whole supply chain from procuring parts to shipping the product, adjust our distribution plan to our customer’s production plan, and provide support in reducing distribution costs, improving lead time, and keeping inventory at reasonable levels.
Sales and Distribution Solutions
We provide centralized storage for products manufactured at domestic and overseas factories and deliver them to sales locations. To avoid missing sales opportunities or losing customer trust due to shipping accidents, we carefully and efficiently ship the right amounts at the right times.
Distribution Technology Solutions
To supplement the creation of optimal supply chains, we also undertake all kinds of distribution quality assurance. We propose solutions for quality assurance from the planning stages through to packaging, loading, and shipping in order to improve the quality of our distribution and to reduce distribution costs.
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