International Transport
As the globalization of business accelerates, we provide international transport services to handle our customers’ various needs. We have the necessary expertise and know-how to handle the transport of cargo such as automotive parts, chemicals, and hazardous items. Additionally, we are able to plan fast, safe, and reliable transport routes for tri-country transport, complex transport, and combined-mode transport, which helps greatly reduce transport costs. We also provide support services for handling the various procedures related import and export regulations and applications.
List of Services
Sea Transport
Leveraging our global distribution network, we use our detailed knowledge of different countries’ customs and other laws and our decision-making ability developed from many years of experience to provide our customers with optimal sea transport solutions. From the export factory to the ship and out to sea. From embarkation procedures to transport, to route proposals to the import destination, to import-export procedures at each country’s customs, to loading the ship and embarking from the point of export, to securing the transport route to the destination port: our expert staff does it all.
Air Transport
We provide air transport service which fulfills the various and sophisticated needs of our customers. If we are provided with the characteristics of the cargo and the requirements for delivery, we will use our global network spanning many countries around the world to provide total coordination for the import and export of the cargo by air: communication and coordination with the exporter; managing inventory, temporarily storing, and distributing the cargo in the country of import.
Customs Services
Using our wide-ranging knowledge, we will help with the various procedures needed to get cargo through customs.
From declarations and inspections to checking custom payments, our expert staff stationed across many regions will carry out the various customs procedures by proxy, so our customers don’t have to. We respond quickly and accurately to changes in the customs systems and procedures in different countries, and we propose new routes with consideration for safety and cost optimization. We will handle all applications for special cargo such as dangerous items or animals. -
Moving Overseas
For Japanese customers being relocated overseas or expatriates returning to their countries, we provide our “ROOM to ROOM” moving service which has been made into a global network. In addition to air and sea shipping, we also provide comprehensive moving coordination, from a storage service for belongings left in Japan, to moving vehicles, to arranging a residence on location and handling all related procedures.
Trade Solutions
We provide various services for making trade run smoothly, including investigation of local and foreign laws, regulations, and procedures needed for import and export, as well as taking care of applications and paperwork related to trade. We also handle document creation and provide general support for navigating cumbersome procedures.
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