Personal Information Protection Policy

For our company, information entrusted to us by our associates—such as personal information obtained through deliveries to private residences, as well as personally identifiable information or ID numbers related to employment and personnel management—that our company obtains in the course of carrying out legitimate business activities (hereinafter referred to as "personal information, etc."), will be regarded by our company as information assets of utmost importance. Persons employed by our company shall recognize that they have a social obligation to comply with laws and regulations concerning the safeguarding of personal information and the rights of the individual. Here, we would also like to declare that as a company we have established a management system for the protection of personal information, so as to embody the policies listed below, which we will strive to continuously improve in order to reflect the latest technological trends, changes in social demands and the business environment, etc.

  1. Proper Handling of Personal Information
    Information entrusted to us by our associates such as personal information obtained through deliveries to private residences, as well as personal information related to employment and personnel management, that our company obtains in the course of carrying out legitimate business activities, will be collected/used/disclosed only as necessary. Personal information will not be used for purposes beyond that which is specified to be necessary. Additionally, to ensure the above, personnel responsible for the protection of personal information will be appointed to facilitate the creation of an environment in which personal information can be protected with appropriate rules.
  2. Compliance with Laws and Societal Norms
    The company will adhere to laws and nationally established guidelines and other standards regarding the protection of personal information.
  3. Measures to ensure safety and accuracy
    Inject an amount of financial resources that is appropriate to the situation, taking reasonable safety measures, and ensuring the safety and accuracy of personal information through continuous improvement of personal information security so as to prevent the leakage, loss, and damage of personal information. Also, in the case of an emergency, we will take corrective action promptly.
  4. Complaints/Inquiries
    We will respond swiftly and sincerely to complaints/inquiries regarding the usage of personal information, in an appropriate manner.
  5. Ongoing efforts to protect personal information
    We will conduct timely reviews of the protection management system for personal information, making improvements on an ongoing basis as appropriate, while taking into consideration any changes that might have occurred to the company environment.

A copy of this policy document will be distributed to all employees and posted on the company website, pamphlets, etc. Measures will also be implemented to ensure that it will be easily available to all.

Establishment date: April 7th, 2006
Amendment/Date of revision: 1st April 2024 (Final)

President and CEO: Teruo Ishikawa

Inquiry Counter

Please contact us via the inquiry form below with any inquiries regarding our personal information protection policy.
19-21 Nihonbashi Hakozaki-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, 103-0015.
Reception hours: Weekdays: 9:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00 (Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and company holidays excluded

On January 25th, 2010, we were awarded the “Privacy Mark” by the Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community (JIPDEC). The “Privacy Mark” is awarded to private businesses that meet the Japanese Industrial Standard "JIS Q 15001: Personal Information Protection Management System - Requirements" and have appropriate measures in place to protect personal information.