Financial Institutions

For financial institutions, we digitalize important documents such as transaction contracts and centrally manage the statuses of the originals. This allows us to reduce the personnel costs needed for document management, increase user efficiency, and greatly reduce the costs of external audits by the tax office, for instance. Photocopying costs are also greatly reduced, which is not only saves money but the environment, too. Of course, with strict management of original documents, there is no longer any worry of the documents being lost.

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    After digitalizing all transaction contracts and other important documents in a company, the digital images and statuses of the originals can be centrally managed using ASP.

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    Important documents are digitalized and originals are centrally managed at the record center.

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    With ASP, customers can search for digitalized contracts and order the withdrawal of the stored originals.

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    The same ASP system can be used at each location.

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    With ASP, users can be given individual privileges, and alternative management methods can be used instead of conventional authorization processes.